The French Intermediate Group (O-level ‘ish standard) usually includes some of the following:
- General conversation, and members reporting on their week’s activities
- Work on a point of grammar, followed by revision exercises
- Reading a text of topical interest and answering questions on it
- Listening to a text of spoken French and answering questions on it
- Reading and translating our way through French short stories
From time to time we have a French film evening, meeting at the Group Leader’s home to watch a DVD.
NB As at February 2022, there are no vacancies in this group at the moment.
The Advanced French Group (A-level or beyond) usually includes some of the following:
- General conversation
- Translation of an article English to French
- Reading of a French article, with discussion
- Listening to French reports/spoken French and answering questions
- Revision of grammar points and exercises
- Reading and translating our way through a French novel – currently Harry Potter La Chambre des Secrets.
From time to time we have a French film evening, meeting at the Group Leader’s home to watch a DVD.
NB As at February 2022, there are no vacancies in this group at the moment.