When signing up for a trip the bus fare must be paid at the same time – there and then. You cannot sign up without payment.
Cheques should be made payable to: Saltash U3a Social Account
PLEASE Do not sign up unless you know you can go on the trip. If there is not a waiting list and you have to cancel you will lose your bus fare.
A Committee decision has been made that if you wish to put your name down for a trip – garden, discovery or other etc – YOU MUST DO SO YOUR SELF – you cannot ask anyone else to do so for you.
Everyone going on a garden trip must meet at the Leisure Centre. The bus must be full first, and then everyone else will be allocated a car place with a volunteer driver.
If you do not pay the money we have asked for by the date we have stipulated you will forfeit your place on the trip.
Please make sure you know what time we are leaving the Leisure Centre.
Wear sensible shoes and clothing suitable for walking around gardens. Please be aware that some gardens may not be suitable if you have problems walking over rough ground or up inclines.
Pip Baxter
Sylvia Caldwell garden@saltashu3a.org.uk
Garden Group Co-Ordinators